Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Viral videos - The final verdict between the "experts" and the "viewers"

Here it is. A 2 minute video containing footage of interviews done with random strangers and the so called "experts" :)

Should be interesting right? Check it out.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We all make mistakes. And when you do, I guess you learn not to make the same mistake again. Well if the mistake was on live TV and in front of a live audience of 2000 people it will be a bit embarrassing right? In today’s viral video, the host of the live reality TV show "Australian Next Top Model" made international headlines within minutes when she announced the wrong winner of the two ladies fighting for the top spot to become a model on the international stage.

Basically what happened was the host Sarah Murdoch announced the wrong winner when she was fed the wrong information by her producer via her ear piece. Shortly after the producer realised what had happened and Murdoch was told that she announced the wrong winner. The disastrous event was dissected in real time on Twitter, and it became an international trending topic immediately.

Makes you wonder, was it all a publicity stunt to get attention or was it a honest mistake. The video got picked up via the internet as well with the fuelling of twitter and it went viral within days, grabbing over a million views on the popular video-sharing website YouTube. Generously the Foxtel's director awarded the runner up with a trip overseas and the $25,000 price money. Goes to show once again how powerful the internet is when it comes to sharing something with the world. Check out the video and see how all this unfolded.

The video can be viewed here.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Women Driving Stereotypes :)

We always hear about women and the stereotype with the in ability to drive, well also with Asian drivers but we'll just be misogynistic today ;)
This Viral Video is one the perfect examples to prove this point, though not really true it is hysterical to laugh about. It is simply a woman trying to reverse park her car into a car park spot which isn't too difficult but takes many tries to go in, even to the point of totally turning the car around. The male driver waiting for the car to finish parking later on simply just goes out and parks the car for her.

This video has been seen many times due to the fact that it is on the fail blog channel which shows many other similar videos where people's fail moments at life so do check it out. :)

This video can be found here

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Got Milk?

Cows. Producers of milk and generally peaceful farm animals. However, as today's viral video reveals, cows may get up to some wild shenanigans when there are no humans around. The video, entitled cows & cows & cows, is simply cows doing crazy things.

Achieving widespread popularity due to its inclusion in an episode of 'RayWilliamJohnson', the disturbing 2 minute video has had over 5 000 000 views. It is because of the combination of fluid, yet scary, animations with a complimentary soundtrack that this video has gone viral.

The composer of this video, known simply as 'cyriak', is actually a very talented animator. Indeed, as the video's online success has shown, cyriak has incredible technological ability.

Personally, I found the video annoying and creepy. Regardless it has proven to be a viral phenomenon. If you would like to witness this abomination of the humble cow, click the link provided below:

Intel's Clever Marketing?

I believe we are all familiar with Intel's jingle.  So, here is an idea of how to play the chime with a different approach.  This is the stunt Intel Finland pulled out of their hat.

As with any organization there is internal competitiveness.  So, after a year Intel Romania tried to outdone their Finnish colleagues.  Here is what they have done.

Are these real? You be the judge!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Its a thriller!

Michael Jackson. Hmm some might say, yep he was a legend. Others might think otherwise. Well a viral video was released sometime in 2007 which shows prisoner inmates dancing to the Michael Jackson song Thriller and demonstrates to some extent how influential humour, music and the internet can be when put into one and quickly became a hit with the help of the video sharing website YouTube. Strange? Yeah seems like it. Prisoners perform a coordinated dance routine as their daily ritual in a Philipino prison. Maybe that’s where this countries tax money is going. Like dont they have anything better to do? No idea how this video went viral but it seems like the internet and humour have a weird bond. With over 40million views it has been re-directed onto other websites and it even made an appearance on some news broadcast stations making this video one of classics in the viral video list of today.

 After watching this video, prison doesn’t look to bad. Its kind of fun right. I don’t know you decide. With the video having a strong comedic appeal and presented in unlikely circumstances, it exploded all over the world and as a result it was watched by millions.

The video can be found here. After watching it, you yourself might even try some moves from the clip you never know. :) Enjoy!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

All the single... Whales?

Dancing is such a great phenomenom that humans can use to show their expressions when it comes to music.
Some people just shouldn't.
Today's viral video incorporates dancing at it's finest! We've all know those fat jokes where we always tease fat people. But this guy gladly appreciates his size and loves to express his love for music.
If your eyes are still fine after watching this video then yeah you can consider it funny, or disturbing? O_O
All the single ladies, Beyonce does it right this guy just does it... You decide!!!

You can find the post here

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gone Fishin'

Scoring a goal in a competitive sport match is an exhilarating experience. Consequently, you generally can not criticize people for celebrating following their moment. However, as the viral video for today shows, celebrations can be taken to far.

Following the winning goal in extra-time the goal-scorer, Halldor Orri, celebrated in arguably the most extravagant nature ever. Far from an unimportant match, this was set in the highest league in Iceland between Stjarnan and Fylkir.

While it has only accumulated 600 000 views, this video has gone viral and has been shown on numerous news and sports stations throughout the world. The comic appeal of the video is undoubtedly immense and as a result, millions of people, albeit through the internet or television broadcasting, have enjoyed it.

Indeed, the combination of sports and humour is very appealing. This video merely exists as one of the many sporting-humour-based viral videos in circulation.

To watch this hilarious video, click below:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Talent Show Goes Wrong!

So we all know almost every country has their own version of America's Got Talent.  We also know that there is a significant portion of the participants come out with some ridiculous performance which in their view is "talent".  Also, quite a lot of accidents happen during the talent shows.

This video has been circulating around in the internet for a while.  The footage is apparently from Russian Talent Show and the participants are from Ukraine.

Poor guy!

However, it turns out that the video is actually a part of a marketing campaign for some energy drink.  I still haven't convinced that is a staged video, or else it is a pretty darn good visual graphic job.  Anyway, the point is that viral videos are increasingly being used for marketing purposes and so far these campaigns are doing good job to reach its audience and target the market.  It is cost efficient, it is fresh, and it reaches the mass market.  Therefore, in the future, we expect to see more of this kind of videos and there are some serious money to be made for people who can utilize the opportunity.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I feel funny @_@

Do you remember your first dental visit? Did you feel funny afterwards? After a visit to the dentist, this little man David was recorded by his dad after. The medication that was given to him was still wearing off causing him to make some halarious comments on how he was feeling.

 This video went viral with over 67million views watching the little 7 year old have a philosophical reaction to the medication that he was given. His father commented that the medication was present for about 3 hours and even David himself had a laugh after he saw the video. They did not really expect the video to go viral as David’s dad was planning to video tape the 7 year old to show his mum who was not able to attend the dental appointment that day.

Goes to show how powerful YouTube is as a media source. Funny how people see a video like this and start spreading the world making David one of the legends of YouTube. Ever since YouTube has matured to be one of the leading video sharing services online it’s not a bad idea to share something with the world that will make someone smile. You never know, it might go viral.

The video of the hilarious reaction can be found here!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Peek a Boo!

The latest internet craze this days are simple just all about cats? These days it seems as long as you have a video about a cat doing anything random or funny it simply becomes viral! Oh my cat just jumped on a piano and it made some awesome sounds *Viral Video*, Oh my cat just punched another cat in the face! *Viral Video* Ohh my cat just did it's business on the floor *Viral Video*.
Well todays viral video is just a kitty and the owner is playing peekaboo with it, but the owner's vocal sounds are more interesting (and scary) than the kitten itself.
Overall it's a cute video why not make it viral and put a smile on your face :)!

You can find the link here

Thursday, September 16, 2010

You iz trollin'

The viral video for today is simply a teenage girl giving shout outs to her online 'friends' and analyzing her experiences with 'trolls' on YouTube. A very contentious video, this adolescent girl became subject to intense cyber-bullying due to the levels of viewers she was attaining.

Going by the alter-ego of 'Boxxy', the success of this video on YouTube resulted in Boxxy's account being hacked by the CBCR (Center for Boxxy Control and Restriction) and serious threats upon her- with numerous death threats. Regardless, her video was highly successful and rapidly became viral.

The appeal of this video, "FOAR EVERYWUN FRUM BOXXY", is related to the highly-energetic speaker, the simplicity of the video, and the appeal of Boxxy as an attractive teenage girl. Indeed, there are a number of reasons behind the success of Boxxy on Youtube.

While the upload of this video did lead to serious, harmful effects on the girl known as 'Boxxy', it remains as one of the most viewed videos of its kind on the internet. Boxxy and her playful and hyperactive mode enthralled and attracted millions of viewers. With over 8.5 million views and 150 000 video comments, Boxxy is undoubtedly a 'viral video legend.

Boxxy's attitude throughout her three videos has been both loved and hated by millions of people of all ages. Personally, I really enjoy the videos due to the various levels of appeal. As one commentator on the video has said- "She is so damn addictive".

The incredible appeal of Boxxy can be viewed below. Enjoy! I sure did!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hitler and Vuvuzela

If you have watched the World Cup games this summer, there were a lot of complaints towards FIFA, about how badly they were organizing the cup.  Especially, for the die hard football fans, it was hard to tolerate all those bad referee decisions, off-side goals, no-stadium screen replays, and disallowed goals.  To make matters worse, there were VUVUZELAS. Thousands of them.  For those of you who don't know, it is a plastic horn and it is bloody noisy.  In fact, the sound it makes is few decimals higher than the normal hearing level.  Because it was the host country's cultural heritage FIFA could not ban vuvuzela.  And it was hard to bear the noise of vuvuzela on TV and a lot people were pretty angry.  So let's see Hitler's reaction to vuvuzela, for today's entry of viral videos.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jeans West fits best

When you go out and you wish to buy a pair of jeans there are some considerations to make. Size, the right cut, the right colour maybe and the right length. Well 4 individuals took these considerations a bit more seriously and went for an added extra. Can you back flip into your pair of jeans?

This video was made in Pakistan with 4 people, a pair of jeans and a flip cam. Seems almost like they just got bored of dressing in the morning the right way and they wanted to add a bit more of a spin to the whole thing.
The whole video seems so entertaining to some viewers that there are re-enactments of this video posted on YouTube and other sites a number of times. I don’t really blame them to be honest. It’s so exciting that during the video, at the 1 minute mark even one of the actors in the video gets over excited and takes a fall once one of the stunts was made successful.

 The simplicity of these viral videos is what’s really interesting. I don’t get it. What makes this so interesting? Strategic tagging maybe? Thumbnail optimization on YouTube to maximise views?  It’s just 4 people slipping into jeans in different ways. When you wake up in the morning and you put your jeans on I bet you don’t really think about back flipping into them you just want to wear them and get out of the house. Brainstorm some stuns and some ideas, get a couple of your friends, buy a cheap camcorder, create your account on YouTube and bang you got yourself a video viewed by people all over the world over 6 million times. Sure there is some comedy added into it but i just don’t get what’s so fascinating about it that it even caused people to re-enact the video a numerous amounts of times. But that comedy and the unexpected concept of people doing crazy stunts and flipping into jeans maybe be the key reasons why this video went viral.

The video can be viewed here.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Got any Grapes?

Ever just feel that someone annoys you so much you want to punch their face in? Today's Viral Video will be the  perfect example of people who you would like to release your anger on!

The whole point of this viral video is to create a scenario where a duck simply just wants grapes from a lemonade stand which is quite stupid it's like going to KFC and asking for a Big Mac, which you won't be able to get unless you are "Chuck Norris" :). The compassion at the end of the song allow the user to be able to understand that the author made this video for fun.

The hilarity of this video is great due to the simplicity of the sounds and drawings (which looks like they have drawn it in paint) which may be one of the reasons why this video has gone viral!

The Duck Song  can be found here.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

ISYS100- Our First Blog!

As the title of our blog indicates, our project revolves around the internet phenomena that is 'viral videos'. Our group, which consists of- Dominic Cutajar, Bat-Uul Baldandorj, Ben Kha, and Blagoj Babamovski- is the number 5 group in Kristi Ovsthus' 11 a.m. Wednesday practical.

A viral video is the term used to describe a video which gains immense popularity through the process of sharing over the internet. The most powerful forces that lead to videos becoming viral include email, video sharing websites (such as YouTube and MetaCafe), and blogs (e.g. FAILblog.org). The features that make a successful viral video are illustrated below:

Viral videos epitomize many features of WEB 2.0 and have very distinct social impacts. Examples of the impacts of viral videos include:
  • Becoming an 'internet celebrity' (e.g. Chris Crocker, Ray William Johnson, etc)
  • Advertisement and promotion (i.e. through hilarious TV ads that become viral)
  • Cyberbullying (such as that which occurred to viral video celebrity "Boxxy")

It is because of the immense impacts viral videos can have and the fact that they are, in many ways, so characteristic of the nature of WEB 2.0, that our group decided to collect and review them. Blogging four times every week we will aim to identify the newest viral videos and:

  • Review them
  • Explain why they became 'viral'
  • Provide a link to the video on YouTube
The layout of this blog was designed by Ben and Blagoj. The original layout and design of the blog (i.e. black) was changed due to the lack of professionalism. Instead, the mix of shades of light green maintain the allure of the blog. That is, its easy to read nature, professionally designed layout and easy to understand structure.

While many videos become viral, our group will attempt to find those which are particularly popular and intelligent (or in some cases, just plain hilarious). Being our first post, no video shall be reviewed. Regardless, here is a link to the highest watched (and thus, most viral) video on the internet-