The viral video for today is simply a teenage girl giving shout outs to her online 'friends' and analyzing her experiences with 'trolls' on YouTube. A very contentious video, this adolescent girl became subject to intense cyber-bullying due to the levels of viewers she was attaining.
Going by the alter-ego of 'Boxxy', the success of this video on YouTube resulted in Boxxy's account being hacked by the CBCR (Center for Boxxy Control and Restriction) and serious threats upon her- with numerous death threats. Regardless, her video was highly successful and rapidly became viral.
The appeal of this video, "FOAR EVERYWUN FRUM BOXXY", is related to the highly-energetic speaker, the simplicity of the video, and the appeal of Boxxy as an attractive teenage girl. Indeed, there are a number of reasons behind the success of Boxxy on Youtube.
While the upload of this video did lead to serious, harmful effects on the girl known as 'Boxxy', it remains as one of the most viewed videos of its kind on the internet. Boxxy and her playful and hyperactive mode enthralled and attracted millions of viewers. With over 8.5 million views and 150 000 video comments, Boxxy is undoubtedly a 'viral video legend.
Boxxy's attitude throughout her three videos has been both loved and hated by millions of people of all ages. Personally, I really enjoy the videos due to the various levels of appeal. As one commentator on the video has said- "She is so damn addictive".
The incredible appeal of Boxxy can be viewed below. Enjoy! I sure did!